shuting down your pc over the LAN

Nov 2, 2009

This post is designed to teach you how to shut down your pc (personal computer) over the local area network.
If you computer is connected to a local area network you can easily switch it over over the LAN. This is pretty useful if you want to stay logged onto you account for a longer time...

Follow the following steps to shut down your pc over the lan.

step 1
Right click on your desktop and create a new shortcut.

step 2
Type shutdown.exe -i

step 3
Click next, type in name for your short-cut e.g. shutdown computers

step 4
Click finish.

step 5
Run the short-cut you just created. Now you can browse the network for computers to shutdown/reboot etc. or just type in the IP/Name of the computer.

You can even broadcast a message, and schedule the shutdown.

This is a Cool way for sysadmins.

NOTE: You will only be able to shut down computers that you have admin access on!