Nov 2, 2009
This post is designed to teach you how to shut down your pc (personal computer) over the local area network.
If you computer is connected to a local area network you can easily switch it over over the LAN. This is pretty useful if you want to stay logged onto you account for a longer time...
Follow the following steps to shut down your pc over the lan.
step 1
Right click on your desktop and create a new shortcut.
step 2
Type shutdown.exe -i
step 3
Click next, type in name for your short-cut e.g. shutdown computers
step 4
Click finish.
step 5
Run the short-cut you just created. Now you can browse the network for computers to shutdown/reboot etc. or just type in the IP/Name of the computer.
You can even broadcast a message, and schedule the shutdown.
This is a Cool way for sysadmins.
NOTE: You will only be able to shut down computers that you have admin access on!
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